iPhone Antennagate on 3Gs

Maybe no one noticed before… but phone arn’t perfect…(apart Nokias).

Well here’s the fact: I have switched from 3G (on ios3.1.2) to new 3Gs (ios4.0.1) and guess what now I’m getting a lot of times NO SERVICE with the same SIM card and in the same places.

I have made a quick test with dbm signal values and in the same spots 3G has 4-5 dbm more than 3Gs everytime, and with that one I never had NO SERVICE. (btw tested with 3G toggle turned off on both phones)

Search for home page in Safari (Iphone), bookmarklets on home screen

Another step in iPhone custom setup are Bookmarklets.

In few words bookmarklets are little javascript hat extend the surf and search capabilities of Safari and they can be saved as a regular bookmark.
The most popular bookmarklet is “Find in this page” a feature that is not included in Safari for Iphone.

Here you can find a list of the most popular Bookmarklets


My goal was to have a bookmarklet direcly on the home screen, for instance having Wikipedia search bookmarklet directly by tapping on the homesceen icon.

Having a bookmarklet for search it is faster and data less consuming cause instead of loading a site and then do the query for your searh, you do the query in the first place without loading the site two times and without opening safari, opening bookmark, select bookmarklet, write query and search… (tapping on the screen thousand times)

To create icons on the home screen you can use WEBCLIPS.

A webclip is a Safari bookmark on your Iphone’s desktop, when you create a new bookmark safari asks if you want to create a new icon on the home screen.

WEBclips are stored in /var/mobile/Library/WebClips each one has its own folder that contain a plist file with all the info of the bookmark; I’ve tried to play around to insert the javascript code here but this feature is locked (you can display an alert but popup for query will not work)

I must mention that tweaking a WEBClips allow you to make a speed dial icon and a speed SMS icon.

So  here come the Springlets, springlets are simple web pages with javascript code that let you search wikipedia and other stuff having an icon on the home screen “bypassing” the locked feature of running javascript.


that’s the page for wikipedia search
http://springlets.com/phone/searches/wikipedia.html (you can bookmark it on the iphone home screen)

If you want, like me, 4-5 searches, can be a pain having 4-5 icons on the screen.
That’s why I created a small webpage with all the search fields that I need (thanks to IWebKit)

and I have put it on the home screen in place of Safari. So everytime I start Safari show me the “Search Page”

Ok, How do I install it?

If you have a regular Iphone just bookmark the “search form” you like to the home screen and, if you want, drag the icon in place of Safari.

  • English Search (Bing,Wikipedia,Froogle,Google,Ebay,YouTube,Google Translate)
  • English Search 2 (Amazon, Wikipedia, Froogle, TheFreeDictionary, Ebay, YouTube, Google Translate)
  • UK Search (Bing,Wikipedia,Froogle UK ,Google UK ,Ebay UK ,YouTube UK ,Google Translate)
  • UK Search 2 (Amazon UK, Wikipedia, Froogle UK, TheFreeDictionary, Ebay UK,YouTube UK, Google Translate)
  • Italian Search (Wikipedia IT,Wikipedia EN, Trovaprezzi.it, Google, Ebay.it, YouTube, Google Translate)
  • Italian Search 2 (Wikipedia IT, Wikipedia EN, Trovaprezzi.it, TheFreeDictionary, Ebay.it, YouTube, Google Translate)

If you have a jailbroken iPhone download search (rename to .zip) and install from Cydia the package “file:// Schema in Safari” that allow you to use file:// addresses in Safari.

With this you can make a local copy in the Iphone of the “Search Page” without waiting everytime to load it from internet. (I’ve placed mine in the root wherever you like is fine except tmp folder, so I just typed file:///search/search.html in Safari’s address bar)

If  you need other search engines just comment this post with your request, if it is easy, I’ll be glad to help you.

Freepops for iphone: startup

Ok, if you have Freepops for Iphone (without BossPrefs) it won’t start automatically. You have to start it manually from MobileTerminal doing “freepopsd -p 110”, each time you reboot your iphone.

It was very annoying for me cause I switch off my phone every day and I managed how to solve this.

Thanks to God, Iphone is “UNIX” so there is launchd and launchctl commands, that allow you to start processes on startup or scheduled time.

After installing Freepops from Cydia, just copy com.iphone.freepops.plist file into /Library/LaunchDaemons folder via SSH and reboot.

Freepops will start automatically on startup.

com.iphone.freepops.plist (remove ppt extension after download and replace – with . )

multitrack for iphone

Here are the options:

looking forward to try out…. if someone has already did please comment

— EDIT 19 Dec —

Just bought Rectools 08 because it is on sale 85% off, a super deal. Well, I’ve tried out Fourtrack, StudioAPP and all the others except Multitrack by Harmonic Dog.

If you need a multitrack recorder that works like a cassette multitrack recorder the cheaper is ok.
If you, like me, used to multitrack with Audition, Vegas or other software RecTools is for you. I think it just need to be updated because of minor things but with version 1.1 you can record, split the audio region and duplicate it through the track easily and that is the main thing that I do with multitrack.

Another super cool thing is real time monitoring (no fxs ) in the headphones.

Here’s a video

I suggest you to build this cable, to improve your recording system… or if you need something ready these are the options:

Please check if they works with your Firmware… you know that Apple like to enable disable features on the go…

Other useful info…


If you need more, automation fx, and other stuff use the PC.

for news in Iphone and other mobile devices related to music creation go to:


Change VOICEMAIL number in the Iphone. Cambiare numero segreteria telefonica nell’iPhone Vodafone


I start get annoyed by clicking involuntary my voicemail button on the Iphone causin’ me spending money for no reason.

If you want to edit the number associated to the VoiceMail button you have just to edit your carrier file in the IPhone via you PC with SSH or with iFile app. (yes of course you need jailbroken Iphone)

My carrier in Italy is Vodafone Italia and from iFile I’ve just edited the file carrier.plist in folder /System/Library/Carrier Bundles/Vodafone_it.bundle

The file contains this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
	<string>Vodafone IT</string>
			<string>Segreteria Telefonica</string>
			<string>Vodafone IT</string>
			<string>Default_CARRIER_Vodafone IT.png</string>
			<string>FSO_CARRIER_Vodafone IT.png</string>

I’ve just changed the number in code lines 041 and 080 to 404 (that send me back a message with my current cash on the phone) so no more throwing money in the garbage.

After the edit remember to reboot the Iphone otherwise it will not work, and if you change carrier you have to change also the new carrier file.